When you start to RV shop in MN you will find a number of dealerships you can visit. Most likely if you are like myself you will start that search via the internet. I encourage you to contact our knowledgeable sales staff at (888) 454-5434. They can help you and your family find the right floor plan at a price no other Minnesota dealer can touch. If you are looking to get a trade in value and not having to go through getting your trailer all cleaned up and tow it in just to have somebody low ball you, give us a call! In most cases we can get your trade in price immediately over the phone or by email. Minneapolis Trailer Sales has been family owned and operated since 1958! We are the largest dealer of Breckenridge & Kropf park models in the entire world. If you are shopping for Park Models or RVs in Minnesota, shop no further than Minneapolis Trailer. We're here to help.
